BOEHME WORKSHOPS is a clinically based continuing education provider of training DVDs and textbooks with a specialized focus on children and adults challenged by both congenital and acquired injuries to the central nervous system. Topics discussed include Cerebral Palsy, Vision, Hypotonia, Downs, Autism, Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Delays and Torticollis.

Our Evidence-based educational programs include BOOKS & DVDs for pediatric therapy and adult therapy skills related to Neuro-Developmental Treatment, and Myofascial Release as they apply to individuals with Neuro-motor and sensory challenges.


All Books are available for purchase at Clinicians View

Improving Upper Body Control

Author: Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT

Pages: 210, ID: RB7BK

Learn to analyze and treat upper extremity dysfunction in children and adults with this clearly written book based on NDT techniques. More than 300 illustrations help you increase functional control of reach, grasp and manipulation.

This “hands on” resource includes:

  • guidelines for grading input during treatment
  • an integrated description of functional kinesiology
  • normal development and abnormal movement
  • assessment and treatment guidelines for all aspects of upper extremity dysfunction in relationship to whole body motion
  • specific descriptions, guidelines and instructions for upper extremity casting and splinting

Price: $35.00


Myofascial Release and its Application to Neuro-Developmental

Author: Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT

Pages: 47, ID: RB8BK

This fully illustrated resource provides the therapist with techniques to approach myofascial restrictions which are secondary to tonal dysfunction in children and adults with neurological deficits. The Neuro-Developmental Treatment approach is included in the illustrated treatment rationale.

This “hands on” resource includes:

  • the process of myofascial elongation in normal development
  • the process of myofascial adaptation with central nervous system dysfunction
  • the application of myofascial release as it relates to variations in muscle tone
  • applications of myofascial release techniques to postural control and movement
  • a discussion of biochemical theory for fascial restrictions and their release
  • suggestions for carry over into function through Neuro-Developmental Treatment

Clear line drawings and descriptions demonstrate the type of sensory-motor input needed for implementing these techniques

Price: $25.00


Developing Mid-Range Control and Function In Children

Author: Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT

Pages: 58, ID: RB3BK

This resource gives you an easy-to-understand overview of the child with athetosis. The Neuro-Developmental Treatment approach is included in the illustrated treatment rationale.

This “hands on” resource includes:

  • basic problems related to both athetosis and ataxia
  • classification of tonal differences in athetosis
  • grading of environmental stimulation
  • principles of Neuro-Developmental Treatment for Fluctuating muscle tone

Clear line drawings and descriptions will help you guide the child in developing control and organization for functional movement.

Price: $25.00


The Hypotonic Child Treatment for Postural Control

Author: Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT

Pages: 53, Illustrations: 38, ID: RB2BK

This resource gives you an easy-to-use overview of basic problems of low tone. The Neuro-Developmental Treatment approach is included in the illustrated treatment rationale.

This “hands on” resource includes:

  • quality of postural tone and its impact on movement
  • suggestions for carryover at home
  • effective sensory-motor input
  • early diagnostic signs
  • principles of Neuro-Developmental Treatment as it relates to hypotonicity

Clear line drawings and descriptions suggest ways to generate postural control for environmental interaction.

Price: $25.00


Normal Development of Functional Motor Skills

Author: Rona Alexander, PhD, CCC-SLP, C/NDT Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT Barbara Cupps, PT, C/NDT

Pages: 243, Illustrations: 341, ID: 12538

This is a very thorough fully illustrated resource written as a REFERENCE for assessment of functional motor skills. The text was written to help you SEE THE FULL SPECTRUM OF THE NORMAL Developmental process with all of it’s variations.

It may assist you in answering clinical questions such as:

  • What activities can I use to facilitate specific motor components?
  • Where do I start?
  • What do I do next?

Each development stage includes a discussion in these categories:

  • Anatomical/structural Postural control
  • Gross and fine motor Oral motor and feeding
  • Respiration and phonation

You will find well researched references and a convenient summary chart for quick referral at the end of each chapter.

Price: $74.00


Approach to Treatment of the Baby (Revised 2009)

Author: Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT Chris Cayo, OT, C/NDT Linda Kliebhan, PT, C/NDT

Pages: 44, Illustrations: 30, ID: RB1BK

This easy-to-use reference tool gives you a detailed look at the treatment of babies, with a focus on the child with cerebral palsy. The Neuro-Developmental Treatment approach is included in the illustrated treatment rationale.

This “hands on” resource includes:

  • principles of Neuro-Developmental Treatment
  • comparison of normal and abnormal movement components
  • a guide for grading touch early warning signs

Clear line drawings and descriptions help you grade and focus your sensory-motor input.

Price: $36.00



All DVDs are available for purchase at Clinicians View

Upper Extremity Treatment of an Adult with Hemiplegia

Author: Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT

Length: 49 Minutes, ID: RB10

Tis assessment and treatment session demonstrates the balance between myofascial release and neuro-developmental treatment. The client is a delightful 68 year old female, eight months post stroke. The short term goal of the session is to obtain active arm movement as preparation for the restoration of function.

The session demonstrates:

  • assessing for fascial restrictions
  • use of specific sensory input to increase proprioception and kinesthesia
  • treatment for upper extremity weight bearing and reach
  • the effective use of dialogue and visualization in the therapeutic process

Price: $35.00


Gaining Control of the Trunk Treatment of Child with Spasticity

Author: Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT

Length: 30 Minutes, ID: RB4

This assessment and treatment session demonstrates the principles of neuro-developmental treatment. By building on what the child has developed in his head and neck, the therapist helps him extend that control to his trunk and hips. The patient is a 14 month old with spastic quadriplegia.

The therapy session includes:

  • facilitation of head and trunk control
  • treatment to increase spinal, pelvic and hip mobility
  • changes in sitting balance and upper extremity control
  • working with parents as active participants in the therapeutic process
  • teaching parents to modify care for carry-over

Price: $21.00


From Focus to Function; A Pediatric Treatment

Author: Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT

Length: 84 Minutes, ID: RB5

In this tape Regi Boehme presents a treatment demonstration originally taped during a Pediatric Therapy seminar. The child presents with a diagnoses of spastic Cerebral Palsy. An introduction provides the viewer with an in-depth overview of the treatment session and the patient. Treatment strategies and techniques are described as they are used during the session.

 The treatment itself demonstrates:

  • The NDT principles of task analysis, ongoing assessment and the dynamic systems approach. –
  • Specific NDT strategies of inhibition, muscle elongation, and facilitation are demonstrated and explained
  • The child evolves from a fear and inability to transition to an ability to transition in and out of sitting with confidence.
  • The therapist helps the child carry over the new transitional motor skills into the cognitive skills of an ability to focus on a task to completion.

A summary analysis, and 2week post treatment carry over results are also presented.

Price: $35.00


NDT Treatment of Adult with Spastic Quadriplegia

Author: Regi Boehme, OT, C/NDT

Length: 58 Minutes, ID: RB9

Originally taped during a Handling Intensive Seminar, Regi Boehme demonstrates assessment, problem solving & treatment with the active participation of a 49 year old male, with spastic Quadriplegia since birth. The client is interviewed, leading him to identify his own functional goal and his desire to participate socially with his friends with less physical effort. This is a unique tape in that it demonstrates how the therapeutic relationship between client & therapist can enhance the functional outcome.

The therapy sessions includes:

  • the identification of primary and secondary issues impeding upper extremity function
  • treatment begins at the hips & pelvis as preparation for spinal alignment
  • concurrent segmental thoracic spinal mobilization using small oscillating grades of inhibition, with extensor strengthening
  • improvements seen in the balance of shoulder girdle activity & stability – allowing him an extended reach
  • the ability to lean forward over his supporting surface with a straighter trunk
  • improved proprioception & thus a clear awareness of the alignment of his body
  • treatment of the lower arm & hand, utilizing the function, itself, to identify the next part of the pattern to treat
  • client education relating to an approach to moving with less interference from his underlying spasticity

Note: NDT techniques are clearly described, making it a teaching tool & safe to use with children or adults. Although beneficial for new therapists, it will also offer the experienced therapist new ways to approach difficult issues.

Price: $35.00


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